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Icon LinkStorage Maps

Another important common collection is the storage map.

The type StorageMap<K, V> from the standard library stores a mapping of keys of type K to values of type V using a hashing function, which determines how it places these keys and values into storage slots. This is similar to Rust's HashMap<K, V> Icon Link but with a few differences.

Storage maps are useful when you want to look up data not by using an index, as you can with vectors, but by using a key that can be of any type. For example, when building a ledger-based sub-currency smart contract, you could keep track of the balance of each wallet in a storage map in which each key is a wallet’s Address and the values are each wallet’s balance. Given an Address, you can retrieve its balance.

Similarly to StorageVec<T>, StorageMap<K, V> can only be used in a contract because only contracts are allowed to access persistent storage.

StorageMap<T> is included in the standard library prelude which means that there is no need to import it manually.

Icon LinkCreating a New Storage Map

To create a new empty storage map, we have to declare the map in a storage block as follows:

	map: StorageMap<Address, u64> = StorageMap::<Address, u64> {},

Just like any other storage variable, two things are required when declaring a StorageMap: a type annotation and an initializer. The initializer is just an empty struct of type StorageMap because StorageMap<K, V> itself is an empty struct! Everything that is interesting about StorageMap<K, V> is implemented in its methods.

Storage maps, just like Vec<T> and StorageVec<T>, are implemented using generics which means that the StorageMap<K, V> type provided by the standard library can map keys of any type K to values of any type V. In the example above, we’ve told the Sway compiler that the StorageMap<K, V> in map will map keys of type Address to values of type u64.

Icon LinkUpdating a Storage Map

To insert key-value pairs into a storage map, we can use the insert method.

For example:

	fn insert_into_storage_map() {
		let addr1 = Address::from(0x0101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101);
		let addr2 = Address::from(0x0202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202);
		storage.map.insert(addr1, 42);
		storage.map.insert(addr2, 77);

Note two details here. First, in order to use insert, we need to first access the storage map using the storage keyword. Second, because insert requires writing into storage, a #[storage(write)] annotation is required on the ABI function that calls insert.

Icon InfoCircle

Note The storage annotation is also required for any private function defined in the contract that tries to insert into the map.

Icon InfoCircle

Note There is no need to add the mut keyword when declaring a StorageMap<K, V>. All storage variables are mutable by default.

Icon LinkAccessing Values in a Storage Map

We can get a value out of the storage map by providing its key to the get method.

For example:

	#[storage(read, write)]
	fn get_from_storage_map() {
		let addr1 = Address::from(0x0101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101);
		let addr2 = Address::from(0x0202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202);
		storage.map.insert(addr1, 42);
		storage.map.insert(addr2, 77);
		let value1 = storage.map.get(addr1).try_read().unwrap_or(0);

Here, value1 will have the value that's associated with the first address, and the result will be 42. The get method returns an Option<V>; if there’s no value for that key in the storage map, get will return None. This program handles the Option by calling unwrap_or to set value1 to zero if map doesn't have an entry for the key.

Icon LinkStorage Maps with Multiple Keys

Maps with multiple keys can be implemented using tuples as keys. For example:

	map_two_keys: StorageMap<(b256, bool), b256> = StorageMap::<(b256, bool), b256> {},

Icon LinkNested Storage Maps

It is possible to nest storage maps as follows:

	nested_map: StorageMap<u64, StorageMap<u64, u64>> = StorageMap::<u64, StorageMap<u64, u64>> {},

The nested map can then be accessed as follows:

	#[storage(read, write)]
	fn access_nested_map() {
		storage.nested_map.get(0).insert(1, 42);
		storage.nested_map.get(2).insert(3, 24);
		assert(storage.nested_map.get(0).get(1).read() == 42);
		assert(storage.nested_map.get(0).get(0).try_read().is_none()); // Nothing inserted here
		assert(storage.nested_map.get(2).get(3).read() == 24);
		assert(storage.nested_map.get(2).get(2).try_read().is_none()); // Nothing inserted here